Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is a young university, founded in 1956 by industry, local government and academia. Today, their spirit of collaboration is still at the heart of the university community. With the Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute ECHI and the Center for Quantum Materials and Technology QT/e, the TU/e is at the heart of the quantum technology hub in the high-tech Brainport ecosystem, where implementation of quantum-enabling technologies is a priority.
Role within EuRyQa
The TU/e participates and contributes to the EuRyQa project with a quantum computing testbed and the construction of the cloud-based quantum computing facility in Eindhoven that will be accessible via the Quantum Inspire platform. This involves the Rydberg atom quantum computing team from the CAT 1 program (quantum computing and simulation) of Quantum Delta NL. Together, we will work on optimizing the qubit hardware and developing the Rydberg platform for quantum computing.